Whisper Of Attraction (Whisper Lake 3)

Author: Melanie Shawn
Category: Romance | New Adult
Series: Whisper Lake
Total pages: 91

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Whisper Of Attraction (Whisper Lake 3)

“Sharing the space?” Brynn repeated blankly.

“Yes, you’re filling in for Mrs. Stein while she’s out on medical leave.” Principal Rayburn acted as if that was something she’d known.

“I am?” That was news to her. Good news, but still news.

Principal Rayburn was not a subtle man and lifted his hand in a shooing motion toward the door. “Why don’t you two work out a schedule. I know that you’ll be using the space for rehearsals and I don’t want any kids in the theater unsupervised, especially during the renovations.”

Brynn nodded and turned to leave. She had an odd feeling that something bigger than herself was working to pull her and Axel together. Her mother had always insisted that Brynn had “the gift” but she’d always dismissed her. Brynn didn’t believe that she possessed any extrasensory gifting. She was just perceptive. There was a big difference.